101. That which is in front of you is your teacher
That, which is in front of you is your teacher is one of my most cherished sayings. Why?
Because it holds true in both good and tough times, especially in the workplace (and life, yo!)
When faced with a lousy manager, a toxic team, or a dreadful company culture, what lies ahead of you becomes your teacher.
You become aware of what is wrong and what you are willing to tolerate.
You also gain clarity on what you won't tolerate and what actions you need to take in the future.
It is crucial to view negative experiences as opportunities for learning and to ask ourselves, "What can I learn from this?"
Because everything that lies ahead of us has something to teach us, if only we look at it from the right perspective.
What do you reckon?
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah