Dec. 22, 2023

103. You are the Greatest Project that You Will Ever Work On with Prina Shah

You are the greatest project you will work on!

I heard this line and it just changed my perspective on my own development. “You are the greatest project that you will ever work on.”

Let me say that again. “You are the greatest project that you will ever work on.”

When you look at yourself that way, you're gonna look at yourself from a workplace perspective.

That's what I'm really talking to… and what are you taking in?

And what you're regurgitating as well?

With that statement, once you hear it, consider: what you want to do.

“You are the greatest project that you will ever work on.”

When I heard it, I decided that I wanted to quit my corporate job and start my own business, and start a podcast, and start a ways to change a workplace movement. And here I am (!!) doing exactly that.

So “you are the greatest project that you will ever work on.”

What are you gonna do about it?

Let me know your aha moments.

You've got my details!

* Image used on the cover of this podcast was A.I generated. 

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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah