105. Eight Ways to Deal with Dominant People at Work
Prepare to navigate the challenges of dealing with dominant people at work with this PRACTICAL episode of the Ways to Change a Workplace podcast.
Your host, Prina Shah, shares 8 practical strategies to handle situations involving dominant individuals in the workplace.
She'll lay the foundation by identifying dominant behavior and its manifestations like talking over others, controlling conversations, and micromanaging. Follow on as she delves into the motivations behind such behaviors and highlight the significance of having an open and honest conversation.
As the ep. progresses, Prina will show the importance of building assertiveness skills and setting clear boundaries.
Learn how to address boundary violations assertively and ensure your voice is heard, your opinion is valued, and the work environment remains positive.
She also discusses seeking support from mentors, managers, and HR.
Plus, she will explore when it's necessary to engage a neutral third-party mediator. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools you need to create a respectful and collaborative workplace.
So, lend us your ears and let's change the workplace together! Listen to Eight Ways to Deal with Dominant People at Work.
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah