106. Do not Self Reject, with your host Prina Shah
Do not self reject!
The amount of friends I have who say, oh, no. no.
I can't apply for this job or that job because I don't meet a hundred percent of the criteria.
Fuck that. Who cares? It does not matter.
Your skills are transferrable, and the whole point of applying for a new job or a new opportunity is that you're gonna learn new things!
You're not gonna be that fully perfect person that's just going to know everything and go there from day one and, you know, begin working as if you know everything about the organization.
No. That is not what is expected of you either!
So please do not self reject.
There's no need for it.
There's far more to you, and remember your skills are transferable.
So please do not self reject.
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah