March 8, 2024

114. Is your knowledge contemporary? With Prina Shah

Is your knowledge contemporary?

Are you and your team keeping on top of all of the industry changes that are happening, or the contemporary you need to know.

And the reason I ask this is because when I led a huge HR team of, you know, HR professionals, We're the worst people to develop ourselves, I tell you, and I love learning. 

So it was really difficult for me to be in a team that didn't really value learning for themselves. 

So what I did, as a result, in our team meetings, we used to have, one little agenda item ten minutes, and everybody used to take turns in taking this agenda item.

And what it was was what is a cool new thing happening beyond our organization, beyond our little bubble, in our industry or within our specialism that we work in, that we truly to know about. And the person, whoever was presenting or reporting back, would be creative. They might bring a white paper for us to read, or might present to us on this wonderful novel thing happening in the HR world in my world that I was in, or that share whatever else.

So my question to you is, how are you staying on top of All of the things that out there? Of the contemporary knowledge that you truly do need to be aware of, if not for now, then definitely for the future.

Try this example of having just a ten minute agenda item within your team meeting for people to bring some cool new to the conversation. Oh my gosh, your team meeting will be much better for it as well!

Let me know how you go.

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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah