115. Signs of a Dysfunctional Board with Karen Thomas-Bland and Prina Shah
Karen Thomas-Bland from London is a Global Board Level Advisor, Partner level Management Consultant and Non-Executive Chairwoman with over 27 years’ experience in creating break-through strategies, transforming and Integrating organisations. She helps Board to become better.
I speak with Karen on the Topic of Signs of a Dysfunctional Board.
Transform your board meetings from mundane to monumental with strategies that inject dynamism and foster genuine connections among members. Karen's expertise shines as she reveals the art of effective board management, highlighting informal gatherings and agenda restructuring to place strategic discussions front and center. Discover how to keep a finger on the pulse of customer needs and company culture, ensuring that decisions resonate from the top down. These practical tips are invaluable for board members aspiring to lead with impact and align their governance with the beating heart of the organisation.
- (04:47 - 05:47) Signs of a Dysfunctional Board (60 Seconds)
- (15:38 - 16:37) Improving Board Meeting Efficiency (60 Seconds)
- (20:01 - 20:48) Monitoring Employee Sentiment and Culture (48 Seconds)
- (24:27 - 25:31) Strategic Planning for Growth and Success (64 Seconds)
- (31:08 - 32:38) The Importance of Board Dynamics (90 Seconds)
- (40:02 - 41:45) Enhancing Board Member Contribution Through Engagement (103 Seconds)
- (47:45 - 48:44) Navigating Career Transitions and Expectations (60 Seconds)
More about Karen:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenthomas-bland/
- The Article We Mentioned: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/karenthomas-bland_boards-nonexecutivedirectors-personaldevelopment-activity-7120670362001924096-Bn5h?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah