March 29, 2024

117. Are you clocking in, or are you outcomes focused?

Clocking in or outcomes focused?

Here's a thought for you. Implement a results only work environment where employees are evaluated based on the work that they produce rather than that time that they have spent in the office.

Another fun fact for you, did you know that the 8 hour workday was in fact created during the industrial revolution.

And during the industrial revolution, there was a lot of factory working
and manufacturing kind of work.

So the idea about the eight hour work day was the fact that you'd work during the day for eight hours, you'd have eight hours of personal time and eight hours of sleep
long gone are those days.

So consider reviewing your workplace policy as to how many hours people should be working because really - should it not be about the results that people deliver rather than the hours that they put in?

Food for thought...

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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah