Stand against lousy leaders, crappy cultures and toxic teams...
Aug. 12, 2022

32. Become Better at Business Relationship Management with Malini Jayaganesh and Prina Shah

How can you develop a collaborative organisational culture?
How can you develop working relationships that can weather any storm?
How can you enable people to think strategically with a long term mindset?

How can you develop a strong team brand?
 About today’s episode:

Today I chat with Business Relationship Management Expert, Malini Jayaganesh.

I speak with Malini about: Becoming Better at Business Relationship Management. 

Malini talks about her own career and why she now focuses on Business Relationship Management as an expertise. Malini speaks in a wonderfully visual way and we discuss: 

  • What Business Relationship Management is.
  • How to develop your business relationships in a genuine manner.
  • How to become more of a collaborative leader. 
  • How you can develop yourself of your team to think strategically.
  • How the performance process affects business relationships and our long-term thinking.
  • Why business relationship management is an essential skill for all leaders wanting to optimise their organisational cultures.
  • And listen in to Malini’s answer to my question: if you had a magic wand, what is one way you would change the workplace? 

About today’s guest: Malini is an expert in nurturing high-performing, cross-functional teams. She was featured in the global list of Top Business Relationship Managers in 2019 and 2020, has received 5 Global Excellence Awards from the Business Relationship Management Institute, as well as a Service Excellence Award from Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria Australia.

Resources and links

 Malini enjoys writing about culture, relationships and food. Check out:

Connect with Malini on LinkedIn 

More about your host, Prina Shah:

We spend more time of our waking day at work than with loved ones, my mission is to make your workplace a good place to be!
Sometimes I speak to amazing thought leaders, sometimes the podcasts will be solo episodes. 

I am Prina Shah, I am a Coach, Consultant, Trainer and Speaker with 20+ years of experience in developing Executives, Leaders and Teams.
My specialty is in developing your people and working with you to optimise your organisational cultures.

Thank you for tuning in!
Prina (helping you find Ways to Change the Workplace) Shah
 Get your FREEBIES and connect with Prina:

Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah