Jan. 6, 2023

53. How to build trust in you and in others, with Prina Shah

Have you ever been cheated on?

Remember how it stings?

Remember how it was to rebuild trust? Or perhaps you never got to that stage, as often, when trust is broken, it is difficult or near impossible to regain.

Let's think about breaking of trust in a workplace...

I regularly talk about the concept of positional power that you hold in the workplace.

If you break trust of your team, peers, colleagues, leaders, stakeholders +++ it's going to:

  • Impact your professional brand negatively.
  • Leave your team in a potential mess.
  • It's going to take a long time to rebuild trust in you. 

In this episode I cover:

  • Reasons for why we feel it so difficult to trust some people at work.
  • How you can genuinely enable people to trust in you.
  • How you can start to trust others at work and why it is important that you should! 

No doubt you will enjoy this episode!

Prina (helping your workplace to be less crappy) Shah!

Learn more about your host Prina Shah and the Ways to Change the Workplace Movement!

Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah