60. Finding The Hidden Influencers In Your Organization with Brendon Baker and Prina Shah
Use Your Subcultures to Enable Valuable Change
A lot of organisations overcomplicate change in the workplace.
How can you identify the influencers in your organisation and leverage their subcultures to accelerate effective change?
How can you use the ripple effect to establish clarity, drive change and create team momentum and morale?
Is it effective to voluntell or accept volunteer change champions to assist in change roll-outs?
About today’s episode:
Today I chat with Brendon Baker who is based in Canberra, Australia. Brendon is a leading expert in driving change that actually pays off (without burning everyone in the process!). He has led and guided over $10 Billion in transformative projects and programs across all types of organizations and sectors.
I speak with Brendon about: How to identify internal influencers in your organisation to enable valuable change.
Brendon talks about the types of internal influencers you want to identify and work with, and why it’s important to include naysayers and pockets of resistance when creating valuable change in the workplace.
We cover:
- Why working with volunteers or selecting key stakeholders is not the best approach.
- The importance of using data to identify internal influencers, and tips on how to collect the data.
- The different types of change champions that are essential to creating valuable outcomes.
- Why listening to naysayers, resistors, and objections is essential and helps to avoid group think that can lead to change failure.
- What it means to decentralise change transformations.
- Why leaders should take on the role of enablers and supporters, and let the internal influencers be the drivers of change.
- Creative communication tools to support the change process.
- And listen in to Brendon’s answer to my question: if you had a magic wand, what is one way you would change the workplace? Hint: he has a surprising perspective on how to enable great ideas in the workplace.
About today’s guest: Brendon Baker is a leading expert in driving change that actually pays off. Where change isn’t about delivering on-time or on-budget, but rather actually getting what you’re looking for out of it. He has led and guided over $10 Billion in transformative projects and programs across all kinds of areas from transformations to teddy bears. He is the author of the best-seller Valuable Change, and niche top seller Creating High Value PMOs. His pioneering work in the internal influencer space is world leading. He spends his time forging change leaders and working with them to drive more worthwhile organisational change, with clients including high growth tech firms, key Australian household names including AGL, South32 and Goodwin Aged Care, as well as all three levels of Australian Government.
Resources and links: Connect with Brendon and check out his website http://www.valuablechange.com.
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah