66. Using the F Word at Work: Feelings and How to Create an Emotional Culture with Lorissa Garcia and Prina Shah
Dare you bring the f word into the workplace?
Have you considered the amount of emotional contagion that negatively affects your workplace?
Learn the difference between an emotional and cognitive work culture and why you need to consider the both…
About today’s episode:
Today I chat with my friend, Lorissa Garcia, all the way from Melbourne. Lorissa specialises as a Coach & Facilitator in the space of Leadership & Culture, Lorissa partners with leaders, organisations and teams, provoking thought and action for small shifts that make a big difference.
I speak with Lorissa about: Using the F Word at Work: Feelings and How to Create an Emotional Culture
Watch the youtube version here! https://youtu.be/NuMDmkIhTNQ
Lorissa has years of experience in this and we discuss these points (and sooooo much more!)…
- What is org culture - brief explanation
- The history of org cultures – cognitive cultures
- The evolution of organisational cultures – emotional cultures
- What is emotional contagion
- The pros and cons of cognitive and emotional cultures
- Practical ways to build an emotional culture
- And listen in to Elaine’s answer to my question: if you had a magic wand, what is one way you would change the workplace?
About today’s guest: Lorissa is a certified specialist in the Emotional Culture Deck and works with organisations to uncover the emotions, values, stories, practices, habits, rituals that enable healthy emotional cultures.
Resources and links
Connect with Lorissa and check out Assembly Culture.
Learn more about your host Prina Shah and the Ways to Change the Workplace Movement!
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Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah