June 30, 2023

78. How to be more influential at work

In this episode of the Ways to Change Your Workplace Podcast, your host, Prina Shah, explores the topic of influencing people at work. 

Prina begins by emphasizing the importance of building rapport and genuine connections with colleagues. 

Effective communication is highlighted as a crucial aspect of influencing others, with a reminder to adapt to different communication styles. 

Understanding others' perspectives and seeking common ground are discussed as ways to tailor approaches and address colleagues' motivations. 

Being a problem solver, leading by example, and building a network of support are also identified as effective strategies for influence. 

Active listening, adapting one's approach, and being patient and persistent are highlighted as important practices. 

The episode concludes with a reminder to influence ethically and foster trust and collaboration.

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Learn more about your host Prina Shah and the Ways to Change the Workplace Movement!

Prina (Helping you find GREAT ways to change your workplace) Shah